In memoriam

The 3rd FAACS workshop is dedicated to Alessandro Bianchi who suddenly passed away on August 29, 2019.
This year, the FAACS workshop is dedicated to Alessandro Bianchi who suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on August 29, 2019 while he was collaborating to organize this event.
We would like to remember Alessandro for his incredible enthusiasm as a computer scientist. He has always been interested in software engineering problems with emphasis in concurrent and distributed systems, mobile computation and mobile networks. Alessandro contributed to all FAACS editions by presenting his own recent activities and findings. We remind two of his last papers, both presented in the previous two editions of this workshop series:
- Gianluca Gennaro Bevilacqua and Alessandro Bianchi. 2018. MOTION: an application of ASMETA to mobile ad-hoc NETworks domain. In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings (ECSA '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA
- Bianchi A., Pizzutilo S., Vessio G. (2018) Intercepting Blackhole Attacks in MANETs: An ASM-based Model. In: Cerone A., Roveri M. (eds) Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10729. Springer, Cham
In September, 2018 Alessandro accepted with great enthusiasm to be part of the program co-chairs of FAACS 2019. He always kept working to the best of his possibilities and we want to thank him for the commitment, responsibility and passion with which he made this event possible. We want to dedicate this edition of FAACS in his own memory. He deserves this.
Thank you, Alessandro. Your great courage will be always a source of inspiration to us.
Ciao Alessandro